
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1166 From: morgtod Date: 5/23/2011
Subject: Differential encoder
My VMC has single ended encoders ( real nice encoders with shielded cables in place ), can I use these with Snap Amp/Kanalog, or do I need to switch to differential encoders???

What is the best way to hook to the headers that do not have screw terminals? Is there a supplier that sells header to screw adapters?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 1167 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/23/2011
Subject: Re: Differential encoder
Hi Todd,
Normally with Kanalog the 16 differential receivers on Kanalog convert the signals to single ended and pass them to KFLOP single ended encoder inputs on connectors JP7 and JP5.  If you disconnect JP5 from Kanalog you can connect 4 single ended encoders to KFLOP.  You may want to add termination resistors as those are high impedance inputs.  All Kanalog functionality will be retained except the second 8 differential inputs.
Another option are low cost (~$11) single ended to differential convert modules sold by US Digital and Digikey.
Winford is a good supplier of simple breakout boards for the various connectors.  Such as: